Mother City Rugby

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  Freedom Cup      “It is not our diversity which divides us; it is not our ethnicity, or religion or culture that divides us. Since we have achieved our freedom, there can only be one division amongst us: between those who cherish democracy and those who do not.” –… Read More »Mother City Rugby


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  Solo Studios     “The faster we move, the less we see the details. We are missing the basics.” – Riann Van Zyl   We just got back from a trip to Riebeek-Kasteel It’s a small town in the Swartland region, with a thriving arts scene. For a long… Read More »SLOW


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  Storytelling dinners at Sibling      “What makes democracy work is a complicated question in South Africa. We have a unique history, a racial history. The bedrock of democracy coming out of imperial thinking: free speech, free elections, independent judiciary, freedom of association, were refined over centuries and came… Read More »FOOD


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  Pretoria     ‘Jacaranda city’ Wild nostalgia! We just got back from Pretoria. It’s 22 years since we were last there. We had left Zambia’s N.W Province and flown from Lusaka to Jo’Burg. We stayed at a backpackers place and organised our travel to Cape Town. Our cases and rucksacks… Read More »TRAVEL


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  Matera     “once a year go some place you’ve never been before” – Dalai Lama   Our some place new is over 9,000 yrs old. We’ve wanted to visit for some time. A change in travel plans made it possible. It was six summers ago that we stayed… Read More »TRAVEL


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    Stranieri Ovunque   image credit  –  La Biennale di Venezia   “Don’t judge someone until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes.”   We think in kilometres these days but you get my drift. What’s in a word? I’ve been watching ‘Expats‘ the six part series set in… Read More »SLOW


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  San Marino     “Although your dominion is small, nevertheless your State is one of the most honoured throughout history” – Abraham Lincoln    San Marino is a small country, an independent republic, nestled within Bella Italia. The country is about 60 square kilometers in size, one of the… Read More »TRAVEL


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  Hometown     Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction – Germany Kent    We recently travelled to Wimbledon. Many around the world will immediately think of a town that’s the home of lawn tennis. To me it’s simply my hometown. It’s… Read More »TRAVEL


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This piece is published in full on a website called I’ll share an extract here and if you want to continue reading, click the link below.   Decluttering    So far this year we’ve decluttered over 600 items. So why do we find it easy to let things go?… Read More »SLOW


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  Wellington     Limiet Valley Val du Charron Wagenmakersvallei   We’ve always preferred ‘the road less taken’. And the same applies to wine country. Away from the well marketed estates, there are other, less visited farms producing a range of wines. And so we travelled to Wellington, just north of… Read More »TRAVEL