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Celtic Corner




“May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty”

– Irish blessing 


We just tuned into a radio show featuring Celtic sounds. The tunes transport us to back to living in Wales, as well as trips to Dublin and Donegal. The Afro Celt tracks take us back to travels all over Africa and live, concert performances. But most of all, the songs carry us to a dear friend in the Orba Valley, a part of Southern Spain.

The radio show is hosted by good friends of ours who live there. Each week Megan and Jimmy select songs from Ireland, Scotland and Wales and broadcast their show from their little corner of España. We visited their village in Alicante province, on a big trip around Spain a while ago. So we can picture them there, and the mountains around them.

Listening to the show has become part of our week. We like that this hour has become a time for us to simply stop, sit and listen. And this made me think about how we manage our time.

Have we allowed so called multi tasking to become somehow normal?

How often do we sit and swipe or watch and chat simultaneously? When do we slow down, to give someone else our full attention?

Megan is one of my dearest friends on the planet. We’ve been friends for over 35 years. But we’ve spent most of our adult life living in different countries.

So how do you maintain close contact, when you live far apart?

Communication across borders has become so much easier in recent years, with multiple ways to stay in touch. But this is the one friendship that I make a full hour for every week, wherever we are in the world. We’ve listened to the show in motels, hotels and gardens. It doesn’t matter where, as long as there is a connection, we can maintain our connection.

Like everyone, we have re-newed hopes for this year. Spending time with those who are special to us, is top of that list.

We will get back to the Orba Valley to visit our friends there sometime. But until then, we can feel a bit closer by listening to their voices each week.

Do you have any unique ways that you keep in contact with those who are far away?


Maggie M / Mother City Time



Here’s the link to the show (Celtic Corner, Sundays at 14.00)  GMT+1





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