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Fly Away     Safari njema rafiki – Swahili   Why do we fly? Consider our environment, the hassles, and the horror stories. Think for one minute about our planet. We all know about our carbon foot print and the effect of airplane emissions on our world. Some airlines now… Read More »Travel


Big 5   If there were no elephant in the jungle, the buffalo would be a great animal ~ Ghanaian Proverb   Everyone has heard of The Big 5; Rhino, elephant, African lion, Cape Buffalo, and African leopard. For many people, an expensive safari in a national park like The… Read More »Travel


  Rooibos (Redbush)    “There is no problem so great, that it can’t be solved with a cup of bush tea” Madame Ramotswe   Tea and travel go hand in hand. Many places have a tea that is unique to that region, or one that complements its cuisine. In Morocco… Read More »Drink


Oh, the Places You’ll Go The wise traveller leaves his heart at home – African proverb   The last post, The Act of Giving, focused on giving time, our experience of working for a charitable organisation in Zambia. Thinking back, VSO sent us on a weekend training course called ‘preparing… Read More »Travel


   The Act of Giving What you give, you get ten times over – Youraba proverb   Our first bit of travelling together was in Southern Africa while we were working for a charity. When it comes to aid, governments can or will only do so much. That’s where charities… Read More »SLOW


Love and Affection Love has to be shown by deeds not words ~ Swahili proverb   On February 1st I received an e mail declaring ‘It’s A Month of Love’! It’s no longer a day, it’s a whole month! The company was offering ‘Sweet February deals’ so we could ’shop smarter’… Read More »Travel


Chow mein in the pouring rain If you give bad food to your stomach, it drums for you to dance. ~African Proverb   We just got back from Singapore. We were visiting cousins who recently relocated from Sydney. The city reminds me of Dubai in many ways. Both are efficient,… Read More »Food


‘What not to do’ All creatures great and small    tsika (‘ethics’ or ‘morality’) Shona, Zimbabwe Haana hunhu (“He has no character”, “He is not moral”, “He is unethical”)    Are you the kind of traveller who has a ‘to-do’ list when you go? You know the type! They can… Read More »Travel


Happy New Year! “Where there is hope, there is no darkness.” ~ African Proverb All over the world, people will be engaging a range of  traditions and superstitions on New Year’s Eve (NYE). Surprisingly, even after all the excesses of Christmas, many of these customs involve food! My first NYE away… Read More »Food


Time and Mistletoe ‘A family tie is like a tree, it can bend but it cannot break’  African proverb   We have been lucky to enjoy Christmas in many places. One of our happiest ones was shared with my parents when we first went to Cape Town 16 years ago.… Read More »SLOW